You Will Be Glad You Did This After Your Workout. Enjoy! Â Please Like and Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel
Just Click On This Link. ALL Bodies Fitness YouTube Channel
You Will Be Glad You Did This After Your Workout. Enjoy! Â Please Like and Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel
Just Click On This Link. ALL Bodies Fitness YouTube Channel
This is a very timely read for me as I woke up just the other day with a really stiff and sore neck and it still is that way at the moment.
Great video and some really good exercises for relieving tension and neck pain. I’m going to try them out now and bookmark this page in case I need to review it for future reference.
Hi Darren,
Thank you for your comments. I hope that the exercises and stretches help. Please feel free to subscribe to our YouTube channel and share it with others that you think might benefit. We all need to take care of our body, it’s the only thing we truly own. Have a great day!
I like it yeah it feels good. The neck is the one part of the body that we forget about so often. But as I think about it it is probably next to my back my most problem area.
I was just wondering this the other day. How important is stretching to overall health? Does it help you to lose weight?
Hi Vertical Veloxity, I am glad that the stretch helps. Stretching is important to avoid injury. Part of the way we assess fitness level is to test flexibility. Tight muscles can be easily pulled or teared so it’s an important aspect in that regard. I don’t think it plays a huge role in weight loss except that all movement burns calories and bodies in motion tend to stay in motion. Active stretching like yoga builds muscle which does more for weight loss.
Hi Patricia,
I really enjoyed your youtube video – it was great having a video so brief but effective – I personally find bite-size videos like this the best 🙂
I hope you are going to do a lot more like this? My neck feels great after that one.
Hi Louise, Thank you for your comments and for enjoying my YouTube video. I do have many more, as I have been posting about 5 short videos a week. Please subscribe to my channel – it is free and you only need an email address. My goal is to get 100 subscribers so that I can name my URL but for now people can find my channel by typing “ALLBodiesFitness” as one word. Thanks!
Really enjoyed your u tube video. I did them straight away. Sometimes you forget about looking after your neck until it starts giving you pain. I work at a computer most days so im constantly getting those twinges and ignoring them. I know full well that if I don’t do something like stretching or getting a massage I will pay for it later with a pulled muscle.Joanne
Hi Joanne, thank you for your comment. I am glad that you are stretching with me. It is very important to take care of ourselves and remember that we will be in pain later if we neglect taking care of our bodies. Have a great day!